About The Artist
How cannabis changed my life....
Cannabis saved my mind from overthinking and my life. I finally just embraced myself as a high functioning stoner instead of being ashamed that cannabis is what helps me get through a lot of issues in my life. It has allowed me the freedom to create anything I set my mind to, to get back into something I loved as a child and always found happiness in. Cannabis industry still has a lot of growing to do but the current cannabis community I have been involved in has shown me there are so many like minded people like myself.
Hiiiii. I'm Anita. I am a creative person who has bounced around from hobbies and crafts my whole life. I am a Graphic Artist who has a love for multimedia projects. After being diagnosed at 34 with ADHD things started to make sense and I began to embrace the creative side of myself without restrictions.
I lived a very different life before cannabis was legal in my province, I do believe being able to smoke freely has saved my life. Spending some time enjoying testing the plant to find what my mind and body needed was an experience. When I was quite young I recall smoking weed and spending hours drawing in my sketchbooks. Understanding the reason why my body uses cannabis to fuel my creative side allowed me to open my mind to the plant and all its benefits.
Now it is my goal to join in on ending the stigma and help make cannabis accepted in the home, just like a home bar would display alcohol beverage bottles. Keeping up my glass clean and my love of cannabis blends naturally into my home décor is very important to me. Getting high in my home was exactly how this candle high-idea was born. I have fallen in love with the craft behind candle making and continue to explore this craft. The science and creativity combined has sparked a passion I hope I can continue to build on. The cannabis keeps me focused and on track to manage and run this small business I have created.
Surprise candles were not the first hidea I had, but the first hidea to make it past the testing stages. I have always used a bullet journal to track my thoughts, and I started a page with the ideas that I would have during my sesh. Some did not make it past the paper, some failed in testing. Others I got bored when I revisited the ideas.
Check out my feature in High Moon Magazine
I was given for Christmas a bunch of different DIY crafting kits, embroidery, cross stitching, beeswax candles, and paint by numbers. I called these my doom boxes. When I feel the need to create I can grab a doom box and start a new project or finish a project that is already started. This brought a lot of joy to my life and is what started these surprise candles.
I opened up the bees wax kits and made a few candle tins, smoked a bowl before, during and after and 420 Surprise candles were born. I adhd’ed the shit out of learning all about candle making and within 2 weeks was making the candles for testing. And it worked, only now I actually had to build the rest of a business.
I called my ideas while I was high, high idea’s and of course Hi-dea was rolled of the tongue and I got to creating a logo design. Wax, wick, cure time, how am I going to wrap the bowls? Size matters here. All the questions, overthinking, planning and pushing myself through the part where the fun candle making was over. I created a product now I had to get the rest of my head together to help put all the pieces of my small business.